According to the government, the Agnipath Rec-r-uit-m-ent Scheme will streamline the process of recr-uitment to the armed forces, which inclu-des the army, navy and air force. Those inducted via Agn-i-path will be called Agniveers, and will serve in livery for four years. After that, up to 25 per cent co-u--ld be absorbed into the respective military br-a-n-c-hes, while the rest would be let-off with a tax--free, one-time gratuity of Rs 11 lakh. No pens-ion, no lifelong benefits like access to Army cant-e-ens, etc. “Is Rs 11 lakh enough to take care of my family of six for the rest of my life? Serving the Army is a mat---ter of dignity. What will I do after four years—become a security guard?” Michael asks.