However, Yamuna is not the only river that needs protection in Etawah. Around 15 kilometres from the city flows the Chambal, one of the major and cleanest tributaries of the Yamuna. The river is incredibly rich in biodiversity and home to several critically endangered species such as the gharial, the red-crowned roof turtle and the Ganges river dolphin. It is for this very reason that the National Chambal Sanctuary was set up along 425 kilometres of the Chambal as a tri-state protected area between Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Today, Chambal praharis are ensuring that the river’s inhabitants are no longer threatened by menaces such as river pollution and illegal activities such as poaching. The river authorities have also set up biodiversity information centres after every 20-kilometre stretch of the Chambal in Uttar Pradesh, to spread awareness and educate tourists and locals on the need for river conservation and how it can be achieved. It’s a model that could be replicated in other parts of the country as well.