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Arundhati Ghose

Arundhati Ghose


  • The Chinese Conundrum

    The days when enthusiastic young Indian politicians spoke of Chindia are long over. China did not respond in kind, either then and certainly not now. The 'trust deficit' remains

    BY Arundhati Ghose 7 September 2009

    The Chinese Conundrum
  • Who Loses?

    If the deal dose not go through, it is true that the world will not end, but India will have lost. It would have lost an opportunity which may never come back. Who's to blame?

    BY Arundhati Ghose 1 April 2008

    Who Loses?
  • Left, Right & Centre

    There is a lack of confidence in the country that it would not be able to retain its independence, were the nuke deal to go through, which is so clearly misplaced that not even the Chinese share it! As for getting closer to the US, surely that is for

    BY Arundhati Ghose 29 November 2007

    Left, Right & Centre
  • The Heart Of The Matter

    India's interests, in both the civilian and strategic fields are protected. Whatever the strategic purposes of the US, a friendlier and closer relationship is probably reflective of the goals of India's new generation for technological freedom.

    BY Arundhati Ghose 1 August 2007

    The Heart Of The Matter
  • Scholar, Statesman, Gentleman

    Not just a 'bhadralok', he is also a man of firm and strong views and an impartiality of spirit, articulate and self deprecating, a warm and loyal friend. For once, one salutes those who had the discrimination to select him to uphold the honour of th

    BY Arundhati Ghose 25 July 2007

    Scholar, Statesman, Gentleman
  • Persian Paradox

    So what explains Pranab Mukherjee's recent visit to Iran? The stakes for India are high, and it cannot be just a bystander. The Teheran visit was clearly a demonstration of a proactive policy

    BY Arundhati Ghose 14 February 2007

    Persian Paradox
  • Two Countries, One Bomb...

    ...and a UNSC Secretary General. Last week, two Koreas have in their different ways impacted on the world scene, making Asia the centre of instability, a nuclear flashpoint, if you will...

    BY Arundhati Ghose 13 October 2006

    Two Countries, One Bomb...
  • Enlightened Independence

    To say that the Indian vote at the IAEA jeopardizes India's independence in decision making is to ignore the very real threats to the region and India's limitations in dealing with them alone.

    BY Arundhati Ghose 9 February 2006

    Enlightened Independence
  • Irrational Criticism

    The dreadful shadow of Iraq appears to have clouded the rational faculties of many Indian critics of the vote in Vienna. I do not include in this category the ideologues of the left, who appear to have subordinated rationality, if not facts, to polit

    BY Arundhati Ghose 13 October 2005

    Irrational Criticism
  • A New Era Of Engagement

    It is a major change of mindset. It cannot be overlooked that this US administration is willing to amend US laws, an outcome not hoped for even by the most optimistic, but to work to adjust the international regime.

    BY Arundhati Ghose 20 July 2005

    A New Era Of Engagement

